Daily News
Below please find daily updates pertaining to the latest in financial, business, and tax news:
AccountingWEB.com – News
Ohio youngsters FETCH! for financial literacy
At a time when 77 percent of families in the United States are in debt, with 46.1 percent of those families holding credit card debt, the Ohio Society of CPAs is reaching out to educate youngsters about the value of a dollar.
Company announcements: Week of November 8
Following is the latest roundup of firm news for the week of November 8, 2010.
Adams, Brown, Beran & Ball, Chartered (ABBB) recently announced the addition of Jude A. Fox, Charly R. Green, and Adam R. Hann to its professional staff. Each professional serves as a staff accountant in the firm’s Hays, Kansas, office location.
Investment property a likely target for valuation change
The banking world is buzzing with the possibility that investor balance sheets are about to be vastly reshaped. American rule makers in the accounting industry are looking to change the way land and investments are valued.
GTI sets up new Hong Kong member firm; Expelled partners, staff move to BDO
Following the expulsion of its former Hong Kong firm, Grant Thornton China has set up a new firm in Hong Kong, Jingdu Tianhua Hong Kong. Late last month, partners and staff of the old firm announced an agreement in principle to join BDO Limited Hong Kong.
New route to allowing unions through card checks?
By Richard D. Alaniz